Smart Pill |
SmartPill is a tool for the investigation of functional gastrointestinal disorders, including gastroparesis and functional constipation.
It is made of a wireless capsule, a receiver, with computer software.
Tests are conducted by a patient ingesting capsule meanwhile wearing the receiver on their hip. The capsule transmits pressure, pH,
and temperature data to the receiver as it travels through the patient's Gastrointestinal tract. When the test is completed, data is transferred from the receiver to a computer for the analysis by the comrade software. The result provides complete pressure, pH, and transit profiles of the stomach, small bowel, and colon in a standardized protocol.
Smart Pill |
SmartPill minimizes patient downtime by allowing patients to continue most normal daily activities while information is being collected by the smart pill. SmartPill also eliminates radiation exposure and it is the only
motility test that provides a complete transit profile of the Gastrointestinal tract.