Animals and Earthquake

Do Animal use sixth sense to sense early warning of Earthquake

In the bunch of catastrophes we experience on the planet, Earthquake is one in the list of most dangerous catastrophes. In protective measures we made shelters but that is not enough when it comes saving large figures of living beings. What if we can predict upcoming earthquake in advance. But unfortunately there is no device which can reliably predict the future earth quake and warn us in advance.

But, we know animal shows unusual behavior before the earthquake. Before any catastrophic hit animal become restless and run in opposite direction. How they get to know about such happening just before it hit. Being on the top of list we humans cannot sense but birds and animals sense hours before the hit. 
Can we say animals can predict earthquake in advance. But it will be considered only a story unless there is any scientific evidence for this. 

To conclude this, a team of researchers from the Max Plank Institute of Animal Behavior in Konztanz done an experiment on cows, sheep and dogs to check whether they can detect early signs of earthquake. Researchers used sensors to record the movement of animals. They attached sensors to the animals in the earthquake prone area in Northern Italy. There they  observed the movement of the animals for several months. 
From data they collected for several months they concluded that:
  • Animals get tensed from the hours before the earthquake. 
  • Different abnormal behavior pattern were observed from 20 hour before an earthquake.
  • Closer the animal to the epicenter impeding earthquake, more earlier animals start showing abnormal behavior.
  • Different results were recorded at different regions from different animals against the time and place of an impending earthquake.

Bur it is still unclear to the researchers that how animals predict upcoming quakes. But we can that may be animals can feel the ionization of air with the help of their fur, caused by the large rock pressure in the earthquake zones. It can also be believed that animals can smell gases released from quartz crystal before an earthquake.